Pecadomo turns Nigerians to Nutritious Chefs
You might have limited knowledge of recipes but you can never go wrong with Pecadomo. It is the simplest and smartest form of getting nutrition; it means Peak Can Do More which is a new trend among the health-conscious Nigerians, embracing the use of Peak Milk beyond the traditional bread and tea. Peak Milk is now used in the preparation of traditional foods like Eba, Semo, Amala, Pounded yam, etal and also to prepare native soups.
Pecadomo has flooded the internet for several months now, trending on timelines; gaining daily traction as more and more Nigerians are getting educated and embracing Peak Milk’s creative fusion, knowing it is strategic in meeting the nutritional needs of every family.
As part of the strategy to own versatility of Milk in Nigeria, is the launch of Pecadomo “Chef in you” campaign which targeted at driving mental availability for Peak with Pecadomo by leveraging mothers’ Day occasion. 10 celebrities cooking videos where celebrities cooked their mum / mother figure’s favorite meal using Peak milk were shared on social media platforms to encourage other Nigerians to do likewise. As a way of following up to this campaign was the initiation of an online competition for Users Generated Content (UGC). Within 8 days of the campaign, more than 1.4 million of Nigerians were reached via Facebook and whilst also trending on twitter and airing on TV and Radio. The awareness and usage of Peak milk in meals significantly rose. Pecadomo “Chef in you” Campaign empowred individuals to become their own nutritious Chef!
Pecadomo “Chef in you” presented consumers reasons for adding Peak Milk to their meals. Peak is an iconic brand of quality nurturing generations since 1954; and produced under strict hygiene. Peak is nutritious, and enhances the mental and physical performances of consumers.